  • Peter Richards MW

    Writer & broadcaster | Freelance
    Peter Richards MW


    P.Richards is an award-winning writer, broadcaster and Master of Wine whose recent work includes TV series The Wild Side of Wine and smash-hit podcast Wine Blast. Though based in the UK, he has travelled extensively in Spain and South America.


    Tasting - Presentation | Tasting Area - BWW HUB

    The future of spanish wine, a perspective from the UK market (ES – EN)

    Peter Richards MW
    Peter Richards MW Freelance Writer & broadcaster

    06-02-2024 12:00 06-02-2024 13:00 Europe/Madrid The future of spanish wine, a perspective from the UK market (ES – EN)

    What does the future hold for Spanish wine? What are the challenges to overcome and the opportunities to capitalise on, given the current trends in the market place and shifts in global demand? In this session, Peter will use a carefully chosen selection of wines from across Spain, as well as insights from the UK market, to explore and illustrate what the future might look like for Spanish wine.


    REMEMBER: To buy a ticket for the tasting you need to log in beforehand.

    Tasting Area
    Tue 6 12:00h - 13:00h Tasting Area Purchasing tickets on site