  • Margalida Ripoll Ferrer

    Margalida Ripoll Ferrer


    She is a journalist and editor-in-chief of Arrels magazine, specialized in the wine sector and the rural environment. For 6 years, she was director of and member of the organization of the Catalan Wines Vinari Awards.


    Round table | Speakers' Corner by Nissan - BWW HUB

    Carbon footprint. Control and reduce

    Trinidad Márquez
    Trinidad Márquez Federación Española del Vino Environtment director
    Marta Sainz
    Marta Sainz POTS CEO
    Margalida Ripoll Ferrer
    Margalida Ripoll Ferrer Journalist
    Javier Carroquino
    Javier Carroquino Intergia Founder

    05-02-2024 11:00 05-02-2024 11:45 Europe/Madrid Carbon footprint. Control and reduce

    Greenhouse gas emissions,known as the carbon footprint, are a major cause of climate change and the wine industry is working to reduce them. One of the main difficulties is calculating exactly what this carbon footprint is. We will analyze the tools available in the sector and also what measures can help reduce it.

    Speakers' Corner by Nissan
    Mon 5 11:00h - 11:45h Speakers' Corner by Nissan Free
    Round table | Speakers' Corner by Nissan - BWW HUB

    Alcohol in wine. New trends, markets and opportunities

    Amparo Querol
    Amparo Querol IATA DTWine project coordinator
    Daniel Mettyear
    Daniel Mettyear IWSR Head of Research
    Montse Rosell
    Montse Rosell Familia Torres Oenologist
    Margalida Ripoll Ferrer
    Margalida Ripoll Ferrer Journalist
    Miguel Ángel Abad Lozano
    Miguel Ángel Abad Lozano Viñas Familia Gil Responsible for quality and sustainability
    María Sevillano
    María Sevillano WIN Sin Alcohol Director

    05-02-2024 13:00 05-02-2024 13:45 Europe/Madrid Alcohol in wine. New trends, markets and opportunities

    Many consumers look for wines with lower alcohol content. At the same time, some administrations are calling for stricter regulations to control alcohol in wine. At the same time, wineries are investigating ways to offer a product with a much lower alcohol content or even without alcohol, but maintaining quality and characteristics. We will learn about practical cases and reflect on new trends.

    Speakers' Corner by Nissan
    Mon 5 13:00h - 13:45h Speakers' Corner by Nissan Free
    Round table | Speakers' Corner by Nissan - BWW HUB

    Export to the United States, the market of markets

    María Naranjo
    María Naranjo ICEX Director of Food, Wine and Gastronomy
    Jordi Paronella
    Jordi Paronella Grupo José Andrés Wine director
    Margalida Ripoll Ferrer
    Margalida Ripoll Ferrer Journalist

    06-02-2024 11:00 06-02-2024 11:45 Europe/Madrid Export to the United States, the market of markets

    The United States is the world's leading consumer of wine and for that, it is a very attractive country as an export destination for Spanish wineries. It is also a very large market, with many particularities and with great differences depending on each area. It is also a destination with a high bureaucratic burden for the import of wine. Sector experts will analyze the specificities of this large market and the administrative process to reach it.

    Speakers' Corner by Nissan
    Tue 6 11:00h - 11:45h Speakers' Corner by Nissan Free
    Round table | Speakers' Corner by Nissan - BWW HUB

    Artificial intelligence applied to the wine sector

    Jordi Puig
    Jordi Puig Tridenia CEO
    Gonzalo Fortuny
    Gonzalo Fortuny EY Partner Technology Consulting
    Pedro de la Peña
    Pedro de la Peña AYESA Technical project manager
    Margalida Ripoll Ferrer
    Margalida Ripoll Ferrer Journalist

    07-02-2024 11:00 07-02-2024 11:45 Europe/Madrid Artificial intelligence applied to the wine sector

    Artificial intelligence is deploying its full potential, also in the wine sector and in the entire process from the vineyard to the consumer. From precision viticulture, to wine sales, through winery production processes, AI is becoming an essential resource. We will analyze the implementation of AI in the sector and analyze the main applications.

    Speakers' Corner by Nissan
    Wed 7 11:00h - 11:45h Speakers' Corner by Nissan Free
    Round table | Speakers' Corner by Nissan - BWW HUB

    Adaptability to climate change

    Juan Glaría Yetano
    Juan Glaría Yetano Masaveu Bodegas Technical director
    Javier Arizcuren
    Javier Arizcuren Bodega Arizcuren Director
    Paula Fandiño
    Paula Fandiño Mar de Frades Technical director and manager
    Margalida Ripoll Ferrer
    Margalida Ripoll Ferrer Journalist

    07-02-2024 13:00 07-02-2024 13:45 Europe/Madrid Adaptability to climate change

    The climate emergency conditions the day-to-day life and future strategies of the wine sector. The options for adaptability to climate change are diverse depending on the priorities, dimensions, location and resources of the wineries. What are the main measures that the sector is working on to face present and future climate challenges? We will learn about practical cases of adaptation to the new climate reality.

    Speakers' Corner by Nissan
    Wed 7 13:00h - 13:45h Speakers' Corner by Nissan Free