  • Paco Berciano

    CEO Founder
    Paco Berciano


    National “Wine Challenge” award for Best Distributor. Organizer of the annual tasting “El alma de los Vinos Únicos”. He collaborates with numerous mass media and teaches several Masters at the Basque Culinary Center.


    Tasting | Sala Príncipe - BWW HUB

    Enoalma by BWW: Tribute a Carlos Esteva

    Xavi Nolla
    Xavi Nolla enoAula Vins de la Memòria Sommelier Fundador
    Júlia Esteva
    Júlia Esteva Can Ràfols dels Caus and Mas Oller Owner
    Jordi Esteve
    Jordi Esteve Can Ràfols dels Caus and Mas Oller Project manager
    Quim Vila
    Quim Vila Vila Viniteca Barcelona, 1994 CEO Founder
    Paco Berciano
    Paco Berciano CEO Founder

    06-02-2024 16:30 06-02-2024 17:30 Europe/Madrid Enoalma by BWW: Tribute a Carlos Esteva

    One more year, enoAula training center and Barcelona Wine Week pay tribute and recognition to the main figures in wine worldwide, who unfortunately have left us. In this second edition, tribute is paid to Carlos Esteva, his person and career, who died in June 2023 at the age of 72. He was the founder of Can Ràfols dels Caus in 1979, in Avinyonet del Penedès. He was the promoter and great defender of Garraf wines and the first president of Associació de Viticultors del Massís del Garraf. He was a pioneer in betting on the Xarel·lo variety fermented in chestnut barrels, shining with his Xarel·lo Pairal. The event will feature family members and people who knew and admired him.

    Sala Príncipe
    Tue 6 16:30h - 17:30h Sala Príncipe Free