  • Ramiro Garcia

    President | Arlanza Consejo Regulador
    Ramiro Garcia


    Ramiro prefers to make extraordinary wines for minorities than drinkable wines for the majority. He has spent a lifetime dedicated to perfecting and making known the most unknown wines in Spain, the wines of Arlanza.


    Tasting - Presentation | Sala Príncipe - BWW HUB

    Of the hidden vineyards D.O. ARLANZA

    Ramiro Garcia
    Ramiro Garcia Arlanza Consejo Regulador President
    Fernando Mayoral
    Fernando Mayoral Sumiller

    05-02-2024 10:30 05-02-2024 11:30 Europe/Madrid Of the hidden vineyards D.O. ARLANZA

    The tasting presentation will be a tasting of the best ARLANZA wines from the most hidden vineyards in Spain. Smallholding, family viticulture, romantic viticulture will be the focus of the exhibition. Native varieties in the process of recovery along with ancestral elaborations will be the subject of tasting in this activity. Vineyards at more than 1000 meters above sea level along with a continental climate of Atlantic influence will be the unmistakable protagonists of the personality of the wines to be tasted in this activity. White wines, red wines and surprising rosés will be tasted and commented on by attendees.


    Sala Príncipe
    Mon 5 10:30h - 11:30h Sala Príncipe Under prior registration