  • How to incorporate the socioeconomic and ecological value of the cork sector in the world of wine?

    Press Auditorium - BWW HUB Macrotrends

    Tuesday 06, 16:00h - 16:45h | Auditorio de Prensa Free
    06-02-2024 16:00 06-02-2024 16:45 Europe/Madrid How to incorporate the socioeconomic and ecological value of the cork sector in the world of wine?

    The potential of cork oak forests and the cork sector to create social and ecological value has often been recognized, but until now this value has not been comprehensively estimated. The Catalan Cork Institute Foundation has commissioned the study “Socio-economic and environmental value of the Catalan cork industry” to the MANGO Chair of Corporate Social Responsibility of the ESCI-UPF School of International Business to analyze and calculate in monetary terms the global value created for the Catalan cork sector to the society.

    We will discuss their conclusions with leading agents from the forestry, industrial and academic sectors and see how they can be applied to the world of wine.

    Auditorio de Prensa

    The potential of cork oak forests and the cork sector to create social and ecological value has often been recognized, but until now this value has not been comprehensively estimated. The Catalan Cork Institute Foundation has commissioned the study “Socio-economic and environmental value of the Catalan cork industry” to the MANGO Chair of Corporate Social Responsibility of the ESCI-UPF School of International Business to analyze and calculate in monetary terms the global value created for the Catalan cork sector to the society.

    We will discuss their conclusions with leading agents from the forestry, industrial and academic sectors and see how they can be applied to the world of wine.

