  • Press Auditorium – BWW HUB

    Mon 05
    Talk | Press Auditorium - BWW HUB

    Discover the Terra de Garnatxes solidarity wine for #paralosvalientes of the Sant Joan de Deu Hospital

    Natalia Tintoré Serra
    Natalia Tintoré Serra Hospital de Sant Joan de Deu
    Anne Cannan
    Anne Cannan Clos Figueras
    Joan Ignasi Domenech
    Joan Ignasi Domenech Vinyes Domenech
    Marcelo Desvalls
    Marcelo Desvalls Finca Viladellops
    Josep Serra
    Josep Serra La Vinyeta

    05-02-2024 11:00 05-02-2024 11:30 Europe/Madrid Discover the Terra de Garnatxes solidarity wine for #paralosvalientes of the Sant Joan de Deu Hospital Auditorio de Prensa
    11:00h - 11:30h Auditorio de Prensa Free
    Round table | Press Auditorium - BWW HUB

    The challenge of sustainable mobility: How does it affect the wine sector? Discussion of proposals and solutions

    Simó Batlle
    Simó Batlle CIMALSA Technical director
    Noelia Martín
    Noelia Martín Port de Barcelona
    Agustí Ardiaca
    Agustí Ardiaca SERVETO Intermodal Business Development
    Xavier Lluch i Oms
    Xavier Lluch i Oms Independent consultor
    Gloria Martí
    Gloria Martí Grupo Freixenet Responsible for sustainability and environment
    Jordi Espin
    Jordi Espin General secretary
    Cristina Duran
    Cristina Duran Grupo Freixenet Logistics management

    05-02-2024 13:00 05-02-2024 13:45 Europe/Madrid The challenge of sustainable mobility: How does it affect the wine sector? Discussion of proposals and solutions

    According to the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, the transport sector represents 25% of total greenhouse gas emissions in Spain. By transport mode, the road represents almost 95% of emissions. Faced with this reality, the European Union has launched a package of measures to decarbonize the economy. These measures involve changing the way we transport our products. This round table aims to address the solutions that can be adopted to improve sustainable mobility in the wine and cava sector.

    Auditorio de Prensa
    13:00h - 13:45h Auditorio de Prensa Free
    Round table | Press Auditorium - BWW HUB

    Col·lectiu VIDA: small wine projects that challenge the territory

    Gemma Muray Domingo
    Gemma Muray Domingo CARAM CARAM Communicator Moderator
    Clara Soler Isart
    Clara Soler Isart CARAM CARAM Communicator Moderator
    Roc Gramona Simó
    Roc Gramona Simó Enclòs de Peralba Winegrower
    Martí Torrallardona Raventós
    Martí Torrallardona Raventós La Fita Winegrower
    Maria Barrena
    Maria Barrena Entre Vinyes Winegrower
    Martí Giralt
    Martí Giralt Vins l'Apical Winegrower
    Jessica Madigan
    Jessica Madigan Celler Cisteller Winegrower

    05-02-2024 14:00 05-02-2024 14:45 Europe/Madrid Col·lectiu VIDA: small wine projects that challenge the territory

    In 2023, the VIDA PNDS collective was created, a group of young projects, composed of winegrowers and winemakers from the Penedès. With the moderation of Caram Caram, two entrepreneurs from the Penedès dedicated to popularize the world of wine and gastronomy, we will expose and debate the diversity of the collective, with different realities of 5 different producers. There will also be a presentation of the new members of VIDA and we will explain the events planned for the month of April.

    Auditorio de Prensa
    14:00h - 14:45h Auditorio de Prensa Free
    Round table | Press Auditorium - BWW HUB

    PTV, how to foster an innovation ecosystem within the wine sector

    Trinidad Márquez
    Trinidad Márquez Federación Española del Vino Environtment director
    Carlos Moro
    Carlos Moro PTV y Bodegas Familiares Matarromera Agronomist, viticulturist, oenologist and winemaker. Founder of Bodega Matarromera
    Mireia Torres
    Mireia Torres Familia Torres Director of innovation and knowledge
    Susana García
    Susana García Organización Interprofesional del Vino de España (OIVE) Director
    Mario De la Fuente
    Mario De la Fuente Plataforma Tecnológica del Vino Manager

    05-02-2024 15:00 05-02-2024 15:45 Europe/Madrid PTV, how to foster an innovation ecosystem within the wine sector

    During this round table, the fundamental role played by R&D&I in the wine sector will be presented, as well as the services that the Wine Technology Platform makes available to the industry to promote collaborative innovation.

    Auditorio de Prensa
    15:00h - 15:45h Auditorio de Prensa
    Round table | Press Auditorium - BWW HUB

    The democratization of wine

    Sara Fernández Vilar
    Sara Fernández Vilar The Wine Truck CEO
    Xavier Zapater
    Xavier Zapater SURO Co- Founder
    Marta Clot
    Marta Clot Viicompanyia Marta Clot Co-founder
    Cristina Vaqué
    Cristina Vaqué CAN-VI Co-founder marketing and sales manager
    Sergi Cortés
    Sergi Cortés Postgraduate Wine Business & Marketing CEO

    05-02-2024 16:00 05-02-2024 16:45 Europe/Madrid The democratization of wine

    New audiences and moments of consumption.

    Wine in the restaurant, at home or in the winery.

    Until now it was the usual thing but new proposals arrive to take it to different settings and in addition the effort is joined to reach new audiences.

    A wine truck, a canned wine, a natural wine and a young and unapologetic communicator will share thoughts on how to make wine available to everyone.

    They will be accompanied by Sergi Cortés, specialist in wine business and marketing.

    Auditorio de Prensa
    16:00h - 16:45h Auditorio de Prensa Free
    Talk | Press Auditorium - BWW HUB

    Leading Climate Action – IWCA discusses why and how wine producers need to act now

    Miguel A. Torres
    Miguel A. Torres Familia Torres President
    Núria Altés
    Núria Altés Herència Altés Co owner
    María Urrutia
    María Urrutia CVNE Marketing Director & Board Member
    Pedro Ruiz Aragoneses
    Pedro Ruiz Aragoneses Alma Carraovejas CEO
    Sarah Jane Evans
    Sarah Jane Evans MW
    Mafalda Vasques
    Mafalda Vasques Winemaker

    05-02-2024 17:00 05-02-2024 17:45 Europe/Madrid Leading Climate Action – IWCA discusses why and how wine producers need to act now

    IWCA brings together leading Spanish and Portuguese winemaking members to analyse the future of wine production in Southern European and why carbon emission reduction is crucial.  

    Never before have such a dynamic group of leading wineries from the Iberian Peninsula come together to discuss the future of low emission wine production and to sign the first joint agreement to commit to reducing their collective reduction of emissions.  

    This is a major step forward for wine producers in Spain and Portugal - join the IWCA discussion about the future of your business in a changing climate.

    Auditorio de Prensa
    17:00h - 17:45h Auditorio de Prensa Free
    Tue 06
    Talk | Press Auditorium - BWW HUB

    Lifestyle, diet, wine and health conclusions presentation

    Ramón Estruch
    Ramón Estruch Fundación para la Investigación del Vino y la Nutrición - FIVIN Comité Científico del congreso Lifestyle, Diet, Wine and Health. President
    Javier Pagés
    Javier Pagés Barcelona Wine Week President
    Fernando Ezquerro
    Fernando Ezquerro Organización Interprofesional del Vino de España President
    José Luis Benítez
    José Luis Benítez Federación Española del Vino Managing Director
    Carmel Mòdol
    Carmel Mòdol Secretary General of Food of the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda

    06-02-2024 11:00 06-02-2024 11:45 Europe/Madrid Lifestyle, diet, wine and health conclusions presentation

    Presentation of the conclusions of the international Lifestyle, Diet, Wine and Health congress that highlight the importance of a healthy diet that includes moderate consumption of wine.

    More than 30 international researchers met on October 19 and 20 at this conference organized by the Foundation for Wine Research-FIVIN and the Wine Information Council – WIC.

    Auditorio de Prensa
    11:00h - 11:45h Auditorio de Prensa Free
    Talk | Press Auditorium - BWW HUB

    “Cultivating a Sustainable Tomorrow: Experiences of Wineries with ECO-PROWINE Certification”.

    David Zambrana
    David Zambrana Centro tecnológico CIRCE Head of Sustainability
    Ignacio Pastor
    Ignacio Pastor Bodega San Valero Managing Director
    Eugenie Van Ekeris
    Eugenie Van Ekeris Grupo Axial Vinos CEO

    06-02-2024 12:00 06-02-2024 12:45 Europe/Madrid “Cultivating a Sustainable Tomorrow: Experiences of Wineries with ECO-PROWINE Certification”.

    The wine sector is already fully aware of the impact of climate change, because it is already feeling the consequences. Therefore, it is increasingly necessary that the whole process of winemaking is sustainable and respectful of the environment.  

    In this event we will detail in a practical way what most affects the sustainability of wineries, as determined by the European project ECOPROWINE.

    We also have to be able to measure that sustainability and communicate those improvement actions to our customers, and that is what sustainability seals such as ECOPROWINE from the CIRCE Technological Center.

    The wineries will tell us about their experience, and how it has helped them in their exports.

    Auditorio de Prensa
    12:00h - 12:45h Auditorio de Prensa Free
    Talk | Press Auditorium - BWW HUB

    High-end wines, wineries and wine-growing territories in Spain. On the path of excellence in the world of wine

    Vicente Sotes
    Vicente Sotes Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Doctor, agronomist engineer and emeritus professor of Viticulture
    Carlos Moro
    Carlos Moro PTV y Bodegas Familiares Matarromera Agronomist, viticulturist, oenologist and winemaker. Founder of Bodega Matarromera
    Eduardo Baamonde Noche
    Eduardo Baamonde Noche Cajamar President

    06-02-2024 13:00 06-02-2024 13:45 Europe/Madrid High-end wines, wineries and wine-growing territories in Spain. On the path of excellence in the world of wine

    For Cajamar this is more than a book. Our work “El vino de alta gama en España: en el camino de la excelencia” is a tribute to a job well done, and apparently still without limits. Spain has an ancient tradition whose evolution has given rise to the creation of numerous high-end wines, wineries and wine-growing territories. However, this reality is insufficiently known outside our borders. Our sector needs to improve its strategic positioning and show the quantity and quality of its best wines. In addition, it needs to inspire and promote new wine projects guided by the search for excellence. This book is a contribution to that double challenge. A cast of 17 experts, from 5 countries, analyzes the concept of high-end in the world of wine, the image of Spanish wines in international markets, the lessons that can be learned from other countries and the situation of high-end Spanish wine range.

    Auditorio de Prensa
    13:00h - 13:45h Auditorio de Prensa Free
    Talk | Press Auditorium - BWW HUB

    Presentation of the conclusions of the 7th UNWTO Global Conference on Wine Tourism

    Chloé Bougeard
    Chloé Bougeard United Nations World Tourism Organization Tourism Market Intelligence and Competitiveness

    06-02-2024 14:00 06-02-2024 14:45 Europe/Madrid Presentation of the conclusions of the 7th UNWTO Global Conference on Wine Tourism

    The UNWTO Global Conference on Wine Tourism is the leading international event in the field of wine tourism. Since 2016, it has been held annually in various destinations around the world, each time exploring a unique theme.

    Held under the theme "Inclusive, sustainable, and digital wine tourism: Building stronger territorial cohesion," the 2023 edition emphasized the significance of training, establishing robust governance models and on integrating advanced data systems and digitalization as catalysts for promoting inclusive and sustainable development in local communities within wine tourism destinations.  

    This presentation aims to highlight the key conclusions drawn from the event.

    Auditorio de Prensa
    14:00h - 14:45h Auditorio de Prensa
    Press Auditorium - BWW HUB

    How to incorporate the socioeconomic and ecological value of the cork sector in the world of wine?

    Sílvia Ayuso
    Sílvia Ayuso Cátedra MANGO de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa de ESCI-UPF Academic Director
    Anna Sanitjas
    Anna Sanitjas Ecosistemas Forestales y Gestión del Medio Natural. Generalitat de Catalunya. General Director
    Joan J. Puig
    Joan J. Puig Fundación Institut Català del Suro y Asociación de Empresarios Corcheros de Cataluña (AECORK) President
    Susana García
    Susana García Organización Interprofesional del Vino de España (OIVE) Director
    Albert Hereu
    Albert Hereu Fundación Institut Català del Suro Director Moderator

    06-02-2024 16:00 06-02-2024 16:45 Europe/Madrid How to incorporate the socioeconomic and ecological value of the cork sector in the world of wine?

    The potential of cork oak forests and the cork sector to create social and ecological value has often been recognized, but until now this value has not been comprehensively estimated. The Catalan Cork Institute Foundation has commissioned the study “Socio-economic and environmental value of the Catalan cork industry” to the MANGO Chair of Corporate Social Responsibility of the ESCI-UPF School of International Business to analyze and calculate in monetary terms the global value created for the Catalan cork sector to the society.

    We will discuss their conclusions with leading agents from the forestry, industrial and academic sectors and see how they can be applied to the world of wine.

    Auditorio de Prensa
    16:00h - 16:45h Auditorio de Prensa Free
    Talk | Press Auditorium - BWW HUB

    “Truths, myths and legends of wine”

    David Molina
    David Molina Outlook Wine "The Barcelona Wine School" Director
    Antonio Tomás Palacios García
    Antonio Tomás Palacios García Laboratorios Excell-Ibérica Director

    06-02-2024 17:00 06-02-2024 17:45 Europe/Madrid “Truths, myths and legends of wine”

    The world of wine accumulate many myths and legends transmitted through decades that had been encrusted culturally in the mind of the consumer. We will uncover the truth about these myths through argumentation.

    Auditorio de Prensa
    17:00h - 17:45h Auditorio de Prensa Free
    Wed 07
    Talk | Press Auditorium - BWW HUB

    “Raras” a limited edition wine that brings rare diseases on the table

    Toni Arráez
    Toni Arráez Bodegas Arráez CEO
    Jabo García-Janini
    Jabo García-Janini Agencia Kids Strategic and business director

    07-02-2024 11:00 07-02-2024 11:45 Europe/Madrid “Raras” a limited edition wine that brings rare diseases on the table

    “Raras” is a limited ediction wine that brings rare diseases on the table. 500 different bottles and a unique wine, made with native varieties. 

    A Charitable project by Bodegas Arráez and Agencia Creativa Kids, in collaboration with FEDER, which aims to give visibility and raise funds for research into rare diseases.

    Auditorio de Prensa
    11:00h - 11:45h Auditorio de Prensa Free
    Awards Show | Press Auditorium - BWW HUB


    Lluís Tolosa
    Lluís Tolosa 'La Guía de Vinos' de La Vanguardia Director

    07-02-2024 12:00 07-02-2024 12:45 Europe/Madrid DELIVERY OF THE AWARDS OF ‘THE WINE GUIDE 2024’ OF LA VANGUARDIA

    For the third consecutive year, 'The Wine Guide' of La Vanguardia delivers its awards to the best wines, the best wine tourism proposals and the outstanding people of the year

    Auditorio de Prensa
    12:00h - 12:45h Auditorio de Prensa Free
    Talk | Press Auditorium - BWW HUB

    Hotel Wine Fest best food and wine pairing award ceremony

    Nona Rubio
    Nona Rubio Hotel Wine Tour CEO & founder

    07-02-2024 15:00 07-02-2024 15:45 Europe/Madrid Hotel Wine Fest best food and wine pairing award ceremony Auditorio de Prensa
    15:00h - 15:45h Auditorio de Prensa Free