  • Xavier Pacheco Carmona

    Sommelier & Wine Educator
    Xavier Pacheco Carmona


    Sommelier with WSET levels 2 and 3. DipWSET since 2021 and wine educator since 2019. He is studying level 1 of the Master of Wine and is a senior management professor at the CETT school where he has been training sommeliers for more than 15 years.


    Tasting - Presentation | Sala Príncipe - BWW HUB

    An international look at Catalan wines

    Alba Balcells
    Alba Balcells INCAVI General Manager
    Sílvia Culell
    Sílvia Culell Sommelier
    Ricardo Herrera
    Ricardo Herrera La Central Sommelier & Dip WSET
    Xavier Pacheco Carmona
    Xavier Pacheco Carmona Sommelier & Wine Educator
    Amaia Soto
    Amaia Soto The Way We Wine Now International marketing & WSET 4
    Teresa Cedenilla
    Teresa Cedenilla Grupo Valdivieso (Chile) Export Area Manager & Brand Ambassador Europe
    David Forer
    David Forer Clos Salanca Master of Wine

    07-02-2024 10:30 07-02-2024 11:30 Europe/Madrid An international look at Catalan wines

    A group of expert sommeliers with international studies (WSET Diploma and Master of Wine candidates) led by the journalist and sommelier, Sílvia Culell, each select a Catalan wine and, with the tasting, as a starting point, a dialogue is established regarding the context and the current situation and projection of Catalan wine. Where we are and where we are going. The event will have the participation of the General Director of the Catalan Institute of Vine and Wine, Alba Balcells.

    Sala Príncipe
    Wed 7 10:30h - 11:30h Sala Príncipe Free