  • Javier Pagés

    President | Barcelona Wine Week
    Javier Pagés


    Talk | Press Auditorium - BWW HUB

    Lifestyle, diet, wine and health conclusions presentation

    Ramón Estruch
    Ramón Estruch Fundación para la Investigación del Vino y la Nutrición - FIVIN Comité Científico del congreso Lifestyle, Diet, Wine and Health. President
    Javier Pagés
    Javier Pagés Barcelona Wine Week President
    Fernando Ezquerro
    Fernando Ezquerro Organización Interprofesional del Vino de España President
    José Luis Benítez
    José Luis Benítez Federación Española del Vino Managing Director
    Carmel Mòdol
    Carmel Mòdol Secretary General of Food of the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda

    06-02-2024 11:00 06-02-2024 11:45 Europe/Madrid Lifestyle, diet, wine and health conclusions presentation

    Presentation of the conclusions of the international Lifestyle, Diet, Wine and Health congress that highlight the importance of a healthy diet that includes moderate consumption of wine.

    More than 30 international researchers met on October 19 and 20 at this conference organized by the Foundation for Wine Research-FIVIN and the Wine Information Council – WIC.

    Auditorio de Prensa
    Tue 6 11:00h - 11:45h Auditorio de Prensa Free